Hello, my name is
Rohit Rawat
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Rohit Rawat and I'm a

Currently, I am working as a software engineer at SB Solutions having a role of Web developer, Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Computer Science & Engineering. My strengths are Willingness to learn, Dedicated towards my work, Always ready for a new challenge with a positive attitude.

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My services

Frontend Services

Can Provide a responsive Web application with React Js and CSS Frameworks.

Full-Stack App

Can Provide Full Stack Web application With MERN Stack Technology.

Backend Services

Can Provide Backend Services with Node Js, Express framework and MongoDb.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have of experience in developing full stack MERN applications.

Frontend Skills : JavaScript, React Js, Redux, Next Js, Css 3, React Native, Html 5, Tailwind CSS, Material Ui, Bootstrap 5, Styled Components and SASS.

Backend Skills : Node Js, Express Js, Next Js, MongoDb.

Projects :

Full Social Media Web Application.

Clone Application.

Full E-Commerce Web Application.

Real-time Online Chat Application.

Google Theme Portfolio.

Movie Info Application.

GitHub Project Repository link

Contact me

Rohit Rawat
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
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